Originally Posted by Exo
Is this because of my PM? Sheesh. Why don't you just jump to conclusions huh? I know it's not, but I can guess your thought process. You read my PM, thought "f*ckin useless Exo lol" and then thought of the idea for this thread?
Did I nail it?
I voted for Goofle, you narcissist. No offense, Goofle, but you suck.
Seriously though, my main inspiration for this thread was beer.
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
Jans should be on the list imo.
He's not a mod.
Originally Posted by Frownland
Currently, Urban.
I understand your admittedly humorous reasoning, but there are many more inactive mods who've been gone longer, so Urban would still lose. ****, Duga's been here off and on over the past little while, and he doesn't seem to do ****, but I didn't include him either.