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Old 07-05-2015, 03:59 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Another Би-2 fan? Cool! 2 favorites: «Полковнику никто не пишет» (Nobody writes to the colonel - From Брат 2) and «варвара» (Lol! Barbara + barbarian?). Ой, как смешно! (Funny!)

Земфира? (Zemfira) No thx. Way too Ukrainian. Should be spelled Земфiра. I'm totally NOT a Ukrainian music fan... Anyway, she was all over Rossiyskaya gazeta and Komsomolskaya pravda yesterday and today. Epic fail imo. If she put that much energy in her music, she might be worth listening to. But that's just me.

But hey, Мумий Тролль or Mummies Troll (Дельфины!). Тигр! Возвращение леопарда! (dolphins, tigers, return of the leopard). The band's way cool, their music totally owns, and they help save endangered animals. But the band did start out in Vladivostok so yeah (where people fish, sell cars, or get all over endangered species).

And Пилот (hard rock!). And zOOmg! Смысловие Галлюцинации (Semantic Hallucinations)! They played Вечно Молодой (Forever Young) at Chart Dozen.
And no way I can ever forget Наутилус Помпилиус (Nautilus Pompelius). Зверь (Beast) I can never un-hear. And ДДТ (DDT) and Сплин (Spleen).

I totally recommend Наше радио (Our radio). Tons of cool music.
I also recommend Чпртова Дюжина (Chart Dozen)!

More later. Удачи!

Last edited by Laser; 07-05-2015 at 04:22 AM.
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