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Old 06-29-2015, 08:42 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2015
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Can someone ****ing go read my post.

Big picture though, I feel like you're making two contradictory arguments. First you say, essentially, that you're bombarded with anti-gay prejudice all the time - which I absolutely believe - and you need to be free from hateful stuff that triggers you when you're here, even if said hateful stuff is being quoted disapprovingly. Okay, great. There's another conversation we could probably have about that but I don't disagree strongly enough to argue with you.
That's not what I said. I said that a celebratory thread shouldn't be adulterated by straight allies needlessly waving their ally flag and pointing out homophobia. That's why it's perpetuating it. I'm going to respond to the rest of your post by quoting myself. Hopefully, this time, you actually read what I have to say.

I also don't get this point in general. If another gay person were to post that same Ted Cruz quote and say "ugh, go away Cruz", would you still object? Of course I believe that the same thing can be acceptable or not depending on who says it, BUT I don't understand why, here specifically, a straight person saying Cruz is wrong is perpetuating homophobia but a gay person doing it isn't, since the emphasis from your perspective seems to be on the quoting itself and not the disagreement with the quote.
Please read my posts..

"It'd be one thing if it was actual LGBT people feeling oppressed by the person's commentary, and was coming to this thread to express this feeling in order to gain emotional support"

But then things start to get complicated, because you say that Chula's quoting of Ted Cruz saying hateful stuff is perpetuating homophobia.
It perpetuates homophobia because it serves as a needless trigger. A straight person reciting homophobic comments someone has made without offering anything outside of quoting that isn't actually doing anything but spreading that message and making the people who that comment is directed at feel worse. That's why it perpetuates homophobia. This is my ... I think 11th (ballparking it) time saying that.
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