Originally Posted by Exo_
How are you not breaking out in hives over excitement? Have you seen Godspeed yet? Prepare your soul and bring a good pair of earplugs. They loud.
oh im stoked. never seen them before but ya gonna need earplugs, went to ben frost without them and good lord that was a mistake.
hundred waters were god damn amazing again. somehow better than before. they dance remixed Caverns which was awesome, and would just go on tangents of mashing their instruments as loud as they could during the set. it was amazing. blew me away. plus the church is just a great venue. cant wait to see godspeed in it.
son lux wasn't that great but w/e. didn't really like the guys voice. it was like muse if they were electronic.
loscil was great as expected. just an entrancing show. didn't even realize it was over until he was off stage. ben frost probably blew my eardrums in a good way. everything was shaking. couldn't walk straight. 100% recommend seeing this guy live it was incredible atmosphere. solid start to the festival, probably already better than last years.