Alright, let's get this show on the road.

Album: OM Electrique (Merzbox Disc 1)
Artist: Merzbow
Genre: Noise
Suggested by: grindy
Familiarity: Heard the name before, I think (none).
1. OM Electrique Part 1 - OH MY GOD MY EARS!!! After turning down the volume, it's sort of silly. I think grindy is here just to torture me. Anyways, forgive me if I skip ahead a bit. There's just this low rumbling for ten minutes, with some abstract drumming in the background. Then suddenly, it turns into a high-pitched squeal. It gets a bit more hectic, and then the drumming disappears. Back to just low rumbling. It continues for the remainder of the song. Wait, did I point out this lasts for 30 minutes?
Rating: 0/10 This song is definitely talentless, and pretty poorly produced. I feel like my head is going to explode. Hopefully it gets better.
2. OM Electrique Part 2 - Nope, it's the exact same crap. I don't know why he even split it into two parts. Just put them one after the other. No one will no the difference.
Rating: 0/10 See above.
3. Untitled Taped Drum Solo - The high pitch is back, except this time it sounds like deliberately created feedback. Yup, it's a guitar just constantly playing one or two notes, and attempting to get the most feedback possible. Halfway through this yipping or whatever begins. And look! After three minutes, we have drumming! I can get into this a little bit more than the other stuff, because at least it feels a little better produced. But I find it funny to think about this guy screwing around on his drums. Towards the end, it forms the semblance of a song, and hey! It looks like this guy might actually have some promise! The solo gets a lot more intricate, and the audio sporadically cuts out, creating a cool, if disjointed, atmosphere.
Rating: 2/10 Most of the song is atrocious, but the end has some promise. Doesn't quite make up for the beginning though.
4. Untitled Guitar Solo - Starts with a guitar playing under an incredible amount of effects. Sounds like somebody whistling. After a while, the whistle stops, and the guitar has a drum-like effect. There's a bit of random screwing around, and then a drum roll at the end. You can hear shuffling in between. It's badly produced, and there's basically no talent.
Rating: 1/10 It's not as ear-bleedingly annoying as the first couple of tracks. But it is still one of the worst things I've ever heard.
OVERALL RATING: .5/10 This album is just so close to being completely worthless. It's only for the most diehard of fans. Actually, never mind that. I really hope the next part of the box, his first studio album, is better. Nothingness would get a higher score than this. Nothing would probably get a 3/10. This album is just annoying. I could not handle listening to the whole thing. I had to skip through the songs. It's horrible. Never listen to it.