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Old 06-13-2015, 01:01 PM   #7 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Okay, so this is a small entry, but an entry nonetheless.

So I was going through my old boxes of stuff in my parents attic today. We're having a garage sale and I want to sell some stuff. I found a box of old notebooks from college and high school. I was looking for old essays and papers that I wrote and found this. It's a small essay I wrote in English class about my first and only time trying Salvia. If you're not familiar with Salvia, think of LSD but way more horrible and sh*tty. Last for ten minutes but sends you to hell. Anyway, here is what I wrote. I found it interesting. Thsi must have been the day or two after I took the Salvia.

In a haunting realization, I found myself going back to where my horrors came from. I found my concept of reality completely taken away from me and I believed that what I was witnessing was real. The first sensation was definitely a physical one. I found myself being sucked into this new reality that was apparently taking over. Think of a snowball rolling through a field, grabbing other snow and forcing it to join this new object. I felt that on a timeline of existence, I was at the end. My reality as I knew it was now over and this new reality was now dominate.

I stood up, trying to struggle against my realization. I began to see things in a new light. This new reality became so much more real, but I didn't want to go. I began to panic because I wasn't ready to be sucked into this new reality. I went over to the bed to lie down and when my head hit the pillow a new sensation took over. I was literally seeing matter, molecules, and atoms. I saw myself not just as a body, but as a body of matter, and this matter was changing. I thought I was melting. I thought that all the matter was dripping off my face. I began to open my mouth and I tried to "open my nose" somehow trying to stop the process. I was interacting with the television and the people around me. They were telling me that this was how thin are now, to accept it. It's as if they got this memo from the universe that I had somehow missed. This made me panic even more because I thought it was actually real.

I closed my eyes and focused on what was happening. I just wanted it to end. Eventually it did and this world of enlightenment came over me. I saw through time or in another dimension. I began to think that realities like this existed, but without the right stimulus, our brains couldn't see it. We were running on neutral and that psychedelic drugs shifted our brains into 4th and 5th gear. After I came down, I realized how scary these kind of thins can be.
Drugs are bed m'kay.

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