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Old 06-12-2015, 04:20 PM   #461 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 207

Maybe they were mentioned before, however a quick "Thread Search" of their name yielded no result. So, one of my favourite Folk/Doom Metal bands and probably my favourite band from South America is a band called Uaral. They only released two LPs and a bit of other stuff before splitting up, but a lot of it's really good, sad melancholic stuff. The primary aspect of their music which draws the most interest from me is how well they've incorporated South American Folk music with their other Extreme/Doom Metal sound.

The only thing in their music that leaves me kinda wanting is, due to English not being their first language, some of the lyrics' grammar is somewhat poor, though it's adequate enough if the listener isn't wanting to focus on the lyrics as a primary aspect for their enjoyment of Uaral's music, because the music's otherwise quite great. However, I've also heard some complaints over the inclusion of Extreme Metal vocals in their music, it was never much of an issue for me, and probably shouldn't be for anyone else who likes, or can at least tolerate that vocal style.

Their first album is probably my favourite of theirs, though their second is also worthwhile. Here's their first:

The band Sigh has also done quite some doomy stuff. I think the song Seed of Eternity is particularly doomy and great, with some quite sad lyrics. Metal-Archives' display of the lyrics to the song is a bit incorrect, though it's correct for the most part if anyone's interested in looking them up while listening to the song, and anyone who can usually make out lyrics from Extreme Metal vocalists should be able to make out the rest of the lyrics pretty well as the vocalist is much more intelligible than many other Extreme Metal vocalists out there. The lyrics really do add a lot of doom/gloom to the song and they pair up quite well together, so for the sake of posting this in this thread, I really would recommend reading them while/if you listen to the song.
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