I know, I know: we all feel that urge from time to time when an obvious spammer posts. I've been guilty of it myself, till Urban pointed out the futility of it and the extra work it entails for those who have to clean the forum up. We want to slag the spammer off, throw casual insults their way or engage in some sort of conversation with them. But if you do that, one of three things will happen.
1. You will run the risk of turning a spammer into a troll when they realise they can get attention here
2. Your post(s), along with any they respond with, will have to be deleted as well as the original one, making more work for our overtaxed mods
3. Your post(s) will not be deleted, while theirs are, leaving you either looking like you're talking to yourself or, worse, a poster above you in the thread who has nothing to do with your comment.
Of course, this can be turned on its head, as sometimes an obvious spam thread catches the imagination and becomes, through other members, more of a joke thread or just veers wildly away from the OP, or just mocks it. But generally speaking, these are instigated by mods, and if they do that then you know it's probably ok to post in it. But best not to try that yourself as you may just end up encouraging a potential troll.
So, try to restrain your natural impulses and
This has been a presentation by Bloody Obvious Threads, a subsidiary of Trollheart Enterprises. All rights reserved MMXV