Music Banter - View Single Post - A possible alternative to tore's proposal for rule change: Trollheart's system
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Old 06-05-2015, 11:42 AM   #7 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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First and foremost, thank you to all who read my proposal, whether you commented or not. I'll try to address your questions and concerns now, in the order they were posted.
Originally Posted by monkeytennis View Post

Let's say someone gets a yellow, when does it expire? Pick up five within a season and it's a one game ban, so when does the MB season end? A week?
I guess that would be up to the mods, but I'm thinking really only about a day. Maybe that's too short, I don't know. But the time between the first and second card should not really be too long, eg Member A gets a Yellow Card at 6pm Monday. If he/she continues disruptive behaviour, he/she should not be left for more than a few hours before getting a second yellow, and out. Again, that could be decided by the mods. I'm just concerned about people using the system to ride the limits, see how long they can last on one Yellow before a Red is forced. I wouldn't want to see that, though I'm sure it could happen in some cases.
Also who is actually the admin on here? Let's say we all agree to a new rule system or whatever, is it actually going to be implemented? I posted a thread a while back with some suggestions and the response was basically, it doesn't matter, admin don't do anything anyway.
No idea, other than Yac, which is why I would suggest the system being something that could be implemented by ourselves. Stupid idea: could avatars be spray-painted yellow or red, or a yellow/red filter be used when they get infracted?
I can see the logic behind it, but let's compare two hypothetical examples - if it's made public and Mod A gives two warnings before a yellow and Mod B gives one warning before a yellow, both for similar incidents to two different members, then it's not really consistent or fair modding.
This is probably going to happen, as I haven't built in any hard rules about how long misbehaviour (for want of a better term) is allowed go on before a Yellow is handed out. If preferred, a system of two warnings followed by one Yellow or whatever can be implemented? If that were done, then all mods would be expected to follow that system.
I don't think making it public is a good idea, will just cause more hassle for the mods.
I think having it public has to be at the heart of the system, as it's the ony way to guarantee true transparency and remove the possibility of someone thinking/claiming they have been mistreated or picked on. A hypothetical situation of my own: Member A and Member B are fighting (they are always at it, those two, aren't they?) and Member A says "**** you you're a ****" while Member B says "Shut up you. You don't know me." Member A, if he/she persists in this behaviour, gets warnings then a Yellow and then a Red, whereas Member B, who does not rise to it, gets nothing, or maybe a warning for not letting it drop. Now, later, Member A starts bitching in a thread that he or she was treated unfairly. But everyone has seen what has happened, and there is no case to answer. Now, were that to happen "behind the scenes", as it were, nobody could be sure he/she was not being singled out.
Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem View Post
I didn't read all that, but I would be honored if you named me your second in command, you over enthused sailor cat.
I'm not in command of anything, honey, but you can certainly be my S-i-C if you want!
Originally Posted by tore View Post
I got some concerns. I'll try and present them in a tidy way.

1. Public rule enforcement is disruptive

Public rule enforcement would be disruptive to the threads they take place in.
Only if there's a lot of enforcement needed. Your average thread does not tend to have too many people getting out of hand. One warning, a single Yellow maybe might be all that was needed AND it might calm the thread down, rather than the reverse. I'm not saying it would, but it might.
The rule enforcing posts are themselves disruptive and isn't any post an invitation for a reply? I can just imagine members starting to discuss their yellow cards in the threads as they get them. I can also imagine other members piling on that discussion.
Not sure what you're getting at here. To my mind, if people want to start discussing who got what and why then that's fine; it's all discussion and anyway it might end up promoting more awareness that certain things are not allowed and will be enforced if necessary.

2. Rule enforcement becomes a part of everyone's life

Moderators handing out warnings, bans and so on in public, isn't this a bit like a police state? It makes rule enforcement a part of the life for everyone, even those who don't break rules.
No. I certainly don't agree. If you see a cop handing out a speeding ticket to the guy in front of you, what is your reaction? Do you start to think about what speed you were going at, think "Thank God it's not me" or "What a ****ing police state!"? It's all in the perception. I believe the demonstration of proper, fair and transparent infractions makes for a fairer place. A police state would be where people vanish without trace, warning or reason, which in a way is how the current system could be described. Member A is no longer around. Someone posts a thread, where is Member A? and they're either told, are ignored, or someone else mentions what they think happened. This way, there is no ambiguity or mystery. That's how I see it anyway.

3. Difficult for mods to stay on top of

How does one moderator know whether or not a member has already been given a yellow card in a different thread? Either mods would have to try and search the forums for other mods punitive posts or they would have to have a system that communicates when a warning or card has been given.
I was thinking about this, and I think if necessary a database could be compiled, or even a separate thread where members' names are shown against their infractions? As I say, it's not perfect and there are probably holes in it, but if the "colour-coding" thing could be achieved, that would show at a glance, literally, who was already infracted.
The infractions system we already have in place keeps track of infractions automatically, making your suggestion seem less practical in comparison.
Maybe, I don't know. Much of this would be up to the mods, as to how much (if any) extra work which they might have to do is worth implementing this.
4. How long does a "game" last?

You would probably need to set a rule for how long a yellow card should last. Every time a member warrants a new yellow card, a mod would have to see if he or she has gotten any other yellow cards within that time period. It's just more to stay on top of.

Infractions time out automatically by themselves, so no such hurdle.
I think I answered this above. I don't know. But I thought a day for a Yelow to expire? If you don't do anything else in say 24 hours then that Yellow is removed?

Another point about my system is that it can be used to promote better behaviour if say a "Fair Play" award is looked into. That would be some meaningless title or icon or something, awarded to a member who had got no infractions in a month, or six months, or whatever. If people began to work towards that goal, while nobody wants to be the class swot, surely then it would help foster a better atmosphere? Sure, some members want to be disruptive inasmuch as they can get away with it, and be the hard men, flouting the rules, but aren't we all in essence here to enjoy ourselves, and don't we want a smoother ride and a quiet life, more or less?
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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