Music Banter - View Single Post - A possible alternative to tore's proposal for rule change: Trollheart's system
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Old 06-05-2015, 07:09 AM   #5 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I got some concerns. I'll try and present them in a tidy way.

1. Public rule enforcement is disruptive

Public rule enforcement would be disruptive to the threads they take place in.

The rule enforcing posts are themselves disruptive and isn't any post an invitation for a reply? I can just imagine members starting to discuss their yellow cards in the threads as they get them. I can also imagine other members piling on that discussion.

2. Rule enforcement becomes a part of everyone's life

Moderators handing out warnings, bans and so on in public, isn't this a bit like a police state? It makes rule enforcement a part of the life for everyone, even those who don't break rules.

3. Difficult for mods to stay on top of

How does one moderator know whether or not a member has already been given a yellow card in a different thread? Either mods would have to try and search the forums for other mods punitive posts or they would have to have a system that communicates when a warning or card has been given.

The infractions system we already have in place keeps track of infractions automatically, making your suggestion seem less practical in comparison.

4. How long does a "game" last?

You would probably need to set a rule for how long a yellow card should last. Every time a member warrants a new yellow card, a mod would have to see if he or she has gotten any other yellow cards within that time period. It's just more to stay on top of.

Infractions time out automatically by themselves, so no such hurdle.

Also, just wanna clear this up.

Originally Posted by Trollheart
This may be seen as more work for mods, I don't know, but is it any more work than PMing everyone who needs an infraction?
As a mod, I believe you can choose to infract a post from a dropdown menu attached to the offending post, so it's really rather simple.

edit :

Vegangelica had great feedback to this proposal and my points are basically a rehash of some of the ones she made earlier.
Something Completely Different

Last edited by Guybrush; 06-05-2015 at 09:18 AM.
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