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Old 06-04-2015, 05:27 AM   #368 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
Could I get some comments on this? Or are you giving me the silent agreement treatment?
I too gave my views: perspective and context man. Jansz's use of the smiley and my shycouch, to say nothing of Batty's flowers and dynamite, sorry, candle, are examples of when a one-word/smiley post can be used without derailing the thread and can actually add something to it, if you know the person and what they're trying to say.

I've no issue with "lol" or "wtf" posts, in fact I've no issue with any posts other than spam or openly (openly, not jokingly) offensive posts. "You're a prick" said to someone who knows how it take it is fine. "You're a prick" said to a new member, or someone who can't take a joke or doesn't understand it, is not, and the member posting should be able to make the distinction. F'r instance, there are plenty of people to whom I could post "oh just **** off will you, you know that's not what I mean", and they would not get offended by use of the expletive. But there are some who would get offended, even report me, so to those people I would respond differently.

As I said already, one size does not fit all and a one-word or even nonsense post can be very acceptable in any thread, as can gifs or YouTubes, as long as their intent is understood.

You know my position with the rest of your rules, so I won't repeat myself.
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