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Old 06-03-2015, 04:31 PM   #5 (permalink)
Black Francis
Out of Place
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
What is with white people anyway? They really are just goofy. I can understand cultural differences, but how does a lack of rhythm come about because of culture?
Here's my crazy theory on this, the average white man as always been very conservative and therefore hasn't indulged hip movement like other culture have done, think of the kind of dancing the white man has invented, for the most part it is very formal and stiff on contrast Black ppl or us latin folks are all about the hips and you can see that in the dances we have invented but it's not always a cultural thing, some ppl are just stiff and uptight, they're like straight lines who can't curve because they never trained their bodies to do that.

Most of that is probably bullsh*t but im telling ya, rhythm is all in the hips, that part is true.
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