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Old 06-03-2015, 12:15 PM   #9 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Also, @tore, if there a reason why the poll is NOT anonymous? That smacks of a rather dark intent to me, even if that's not the case. How many polls have ever been made here that gave names of members out? Why did you feel you had to do that? What's the thinking behind that decision may I ask?
Janszoon actually answered this question in the poll thread. As he wrote, the reason is simply that if the poll was anonymous, you could rig it with sock puppets. For example I or you could make fake accounts for the purposes of upping either the Yes or the No vote.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
This again. Why does it always have to be relevant to the topic, tore? I created a thread specifically with no topic, and it's chaos but fun.
If the point of a thread is that it has no topic and anything can be discussed in it, then I guess posts in that thread can't be off-topic.

Having threads with loosely defined topics in the lounge is a great way to create threads where one could have more relaxed discussions.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
So Jansz would be in your sights for an infraction then??
Of course. Were I a mod under the suggested policy, I'd infract myself if I thought I deserved it. Or I would hope that Jans or another mod would.

Who watches the watchmen? The watchmen, of course.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
it feels like you are saying you can't police yourself. Which Im more then capable if doing.But as far as using another outlet to communicate with my people from here,I cant realistically text everyone everytime something is hilarious. You feel me, and I dont want to get infracted everytime I
I do police myself. I just do it according to my own internal morals / code of conduct rather than outside pressures. For example, I generally try to follow the rules because I think the forums would be a better place if everyone did, not because I worry about the consequences if I don't.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
So Im sorry if I offened you personally but I dont see that helping in the lounge.
But if you can clean up the indie boatds so Im not talking to myself or spammers all day Id spend more time there.
Thanks Roxy and no worries

edit :

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
There are two threads now, so somewhere in either you said you won't want to be a mod in the present condition. So you do want to be a mod? What it seems like is that you want the other mods to do the dirty work for you and then hop on board as a head mod and rule MB using a junta and your personally engineered rules. And why did this come off the heels of UH? leaving? "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
I don't want to be a mod the way the site is run now (it's a big part of why I stepped down in the first place), but I could come on as a moderator to help enforce a new policy along the lines I suggested - one that ensures equal treatment of members and consistent rule enforcement. The reason for that is that this is something that I want for MB and so I would like to help make it happen. As has been previously mentioned, I view modship as means to an end - as a way to fix a problem. If I'm not gonna get an opportunity to fix that problem, then there's just no real reason for me to be a mod. I view modship as a job, not a privilege.

This came off the heels of UH leaving because I think Urban in part tired of the anarchic culture here and that he's only the last in a longer line of mods leaving more or less because of this, a line which also includes Mojo, Pedestrian and myself. I could be wrong. Either way, it made me think it was relevant again.
Something Completely Different

Last edited by Guybrush; 06-03-2015 at 01:05 PM.
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