Originally Posted by tore
If two friends are chatting with eachother on the forums about something which has little real relevance to the topic or anyone else, then they could do so on PMs or Skype or Messenger or Facebook or what have you instead.
I generally think that writing posts on a forum should be more like publishing something. That's the way forums are intended to work. Topic titles are a bit like book or chapter titles. The words in your posts will remain there forever (okay, until the forum is deleted). It's just not made for real time chatting.
I understand that many people don't agree with me, but I think leaving The Lounge alone is a good compromise. Plus, there's all those other places where one could "chat", like in plug.
So now you don't want people who are friends to have friendly banter in the forum? I don't like that idea at all. Everyone would be like robots if we weren't allowed to have a little back and forths with the people we like here.
To your second point, I'm also going to have to disagree. I'm not going to proofread and read over and over again every single time I post. I don't think i've actually been on a forum that stood by that either, so if you have proof that this type of forum exists, i'd love to see it. I find the casual posting style to be one of the better qualities of this site. The only time I personally care about what my post looks like is when it's in my journal, other than that, I hardly ever worry about what my post says or looks like.
Overall, what your saying here is if we don't talk to each other in threads that relate to the topic, we shouldn't even talk at all. Bravo on yet another terrible idea.