To Bats, besides generally being too kind, that's an eerily accurate description. You even mentioned my corrupt and filthy sense of humour which is something I've generally tried to keep away from the forums.
Thanks for the kind words, Bats (you creepy little man)
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah
I don' t trust you.  .
Youd make a fabulous politician.
I feel like you're implying that I have an ulterior motive and, fun as that might be, I really don't.
I see myself more as an engineer than a politician. If I see something that doesn't work as well as I would wish, I want to improve on it and I like fiddling with projects like this. I prefer to look for solutions rather than problems and as Batlord writes, power (like modship), is merely a means to an end (to fix something I perceive as a problem).
Regarding discussions and others opinion of me, I want people to like my suggestion or see the sense in my arguments. If they like me as a person, that's nice, but ultimately not what I think is important. I myself tend to not take things personal, looking more at what people write than how they write them, and sometimes I (regrettably) forget that other people might not "work" the same way.
In my daily work, I work with environmental laws towards businesses. Sometimes that means excercising authority. Work on such cases
has to be done with objectivity, honesty and transparency (almost all the work I produce is available for public scrutiny) and when modding or discussing serious topics, I basically try to bring that work ethic to these forums.
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah
Edit:May I ask why you are trying to police the nature of two friends banter the sake of the board ? If ppl are friends then its not the rest of the boards concern. Because you can tell they are friends.
If two friends are chatting with eachother on the forums about something which has little real relevance to the topic or anyone else, then they could do so on PMs or Skype or Messenger or Facebook or what have you instead.
I generally think that writing posts on a forum should be more like publishing something. That's the way forums are intended to work. Topic titles are a bit like book or chapter titles. The words in your posts will remain there forever (okay, until the forum is deleted). It's just not made for real time chatting.
I understand that many people don't agree with me, but I think leaving The Lounge alone is a good compromise. Plus, there's all those other places where one could "chat", like in plug.