Originally Posted by rooster241
Thanks for the welcome. I like so much music that some times it's easier to start with the genres without getting too specific. For instance, I really enjoy Freakbeat (a British style that stood side by side with Psychedelia - a few groups: The Attack, The Birds, The Factory - some of the groups only had a single or two)
Jazz: pretty much all of it from Cakewalk and Ragtime to Cool, Hard Bop and Free Jazz with one or to exceptions.
Blues: Country Blues through today though the "today" part tends to be very selective.
Psychedelia: All of the usual suspects.
Acid Rock: All of those West Coast bands (North And South)
Country: Mostly the kind played on wooden instruments and Bluegrass.
and lots of other stuff.
Nice! Hope you stick around Your tastes seem well-developed, but I'm sure you'll find some new stuff here.