Originally Posted by monkeytennis
Rules have been enforced and people have been banned though - I can think of two well known members that have gone who I don't believe should have been permanently banned.
I am actually on your side Soulflower
I just think some of the s hit tore posted is too easy to abuse. You will have people being punished for the square root of f uck all.
I don't think rules have been enforced enough.
I also question the validity of one of those bans which I personally feel was done because moderators did not like the person versus the person being an actual threat or disruption to the board.
I also agree with the example you gave which was a very good example you gave might I add.
I think the rules can always be tweaked (you are right with that)
however I think having a rule and infraction system should be implemented and enforced.
I also think there should be all new moderators
The way things are currently done around here, has no rules or infractions given. The moderators allow people to do whatever they want.