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Old 06-02-2015, 05:10 PM   #296 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 242

Originally Posted by Soulflower View Post
For one, I think there should be moderators and the site should be changed overall. I just did not get the mentality of the some of the members who are in favor of no infractions because imo the whole point of having moderators are to enforce the rules not just (behind the scenes jobs)

Also, I have said countless of times here that I am not perfect and for that matter no one is and I think everyone that is voting and has contributed on this topic has broken a rule or has done something questionable.


I have never personally attacked anyone here or have personally insulted anyone here but I have experienced that here many of times and nothing was done.

I have also observed that here multiple times by other members.

I have gotten tired of it and have got in many debates lately but I usually just have ignored it in the past.
Let's have a look, shall we?

Here and here we see you demonstrating how to
While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks, trolling, purposeless inflammatory posts or members deliberately provoking another member into committing any of these acts.
Here is another great example of your outstanding citizenship.

Here and here are great examples of a posts that adds nothing to the conversation and would probably be considered a "useless" topic/post.
Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) nonsense posts, or the like.
Another great example.
MusicBanter does not tolerate plagiarism of material including but not limited to album reviews, blog entries and wikipedia articles. If you wish to use this material on MB, it must be referenced.
Another one word post.

Some more non-cited artwork.

Shall I go on? That is literally up to 4/16/15 1653hrs.

tl;dr: The point is that you can't bash others for not following the rules when you yourself don't. You can't claim to be high and mighty and above others when you are not.
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