Originally Posted by Soulflower
The way things are now has driven a lot of members away and will continue too. This forum is not very welcoming and pretty soon it will just been the same ol people here and nobody new, not that you guys care but just saying.
I know what you're going on about, and I'm with you on that.
IMO, the current moderator team needs to change. I don't think a moderator should enforce rules based on their own personal discretion of what THEY personally feel constitutes as an infraction.
I guarantee you, if more mods are appointed and these new rules are enforced, you'll (well not you but you know) just drive more members away.
I think there needs to be a universal system that is equal for all its members. This is not something that is currently being done.
I agree with you Soulflower.
Only spammers should be struck by the permanent banhammer imo.