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Old 06-02-2015, 01:48 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Thank you, Yac, for offering your opinion that MB would benefit from a more consistent, slightly stricter approach to rule enforcement, one that would still allow people to enjoy off-topic banter and sharing honest opinions about each other, but would put a firmer limit on how much off-topic posting and bickering is allowed.

I feel that you, especially with your perspective as a super moderator, give very good reasons for changing rule enforcement at MB so that the limits are clearer and enforcement more consistent. I agree with you.

And thank you, Tore, and also a thank you to the moderators, for agreeing to create a poll so that we can vote on what we feel is best for MB after reading about and discussing the issue:

I agree with you, Tore, when you write: "The current and long-lasting state of affairs is driving people who want better behaved forums away from the site and so if the current environment is allowed to continue, support for this [proposed change in rule enforcement] would only dwindle in the future."

I agree!

I also would like to thank Tore as well for all his efforts in trying to make the forum better for everyone and potential members.
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