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Old 06-02-2015, 06:05 AM   #3 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
longstanding members, for want of a better phrase, walking out en masse. That should not be seen as a threat, but a hard reality.
Personally, I don't attribute much consideration to such threats. I find it immature to threaten a suggestion like this to silence and besides, it is just the last in a line of argument where the whole basis relies on extreme exaggeration of the harshness of the proposed system. Words and terms like police state, nazi state and witch hunt have been used. Noone wants this. It's not what I or anyone else who supports this are envisioning. The whole assumption that that's what this suggestion would lead to is wrong and fallacious.

My last proposition suggests more relaxed rules in the lounge. That would more or less mean that lounge discussions would be as they are today, but threads outside of the lounge will be protected from bickering and derailment (among other things). Did you consider this suggestion?

I think there are ways to make this work, but you need to take the discussion a little more serious. How would you make it work? What is your suggested compromise? That's what I would like to know. So how about you stop the threats, stop the cries and instead try to be a little constructive and perhaps even help find solutions?

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You seem to be forgetting that, while I may be here a lot, I am not always at my keyboard. If I come back a few hours (or a day; remember I'm in Ireland and some of these comments are posted on US time) and see relevant posts to me I WILL respond to them. That is NOT pulling the thread off-topic, that is merely reponding to a semi-topic already in process, whether it has run out or not. If I don't respond, don't I look ignorant and impolite, some of the very things you're trying to tackle?
If your post has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, it is off-topic. You were discussing Soulflower's character, not my suggestion.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Bolded: I would also hope, if this is forced through (which I pray to all Batty's Norse gods it is not) that new mods would NOT be recruited solely on the basis of their support of this proposal/system. Cos I think they might be, and that would be a mistake. A real police state would then be in effect. I can think of several people I would never want to be mods.
If you need people for a job, you get people who can do that job.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Bolded: But would you come back if this system is defeated? Or are you only offering to come back to essentially run the new state? And let me ask you this: if the proposal is defeated, will you accept that or will you forever be making cryptic or not-so-veiled references to how things could have been if only your system had been implemented?
I am generally a busy person and will be more so in the future, and so no - I am not particularly interested in running a "new state" here. I like Musicbanter, but I don't like the direction in which I think it's headed and would like to offer my help in changing the direction of the ship so to speak. When it's on the right track with a captain and a crew to get it there, I'd like to step off .. In other words become a normal member again and get on with the rest of my life.

edit :

To Yac, I agree
Something Completely Different

Last edited by Guybrush; 06-02-2015 at 06:12 AM.
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