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Old 06-02-2015, 04:11 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: West Coast of Florida, USA
Posts: 32
Default Salutations All


My name's Curt. I'm in America. I registered here a while ago and spent a little while lurking. Now that I've posted a few times, I decided to introduce myself since the opinions I have expressed haven't gotten me banned (thus far). So it goes...In any case, I've been a record collector for thirty five years. In general, we old record collectors tend to be somewhat opinionated. I hope no one's feelings get hurt, it's just that being a record collector for a lot of years means that I've listened to a GREAT deal of music (both good and bad). It's not always easy to see things from the other guy's (or gal's) perspective. Please hold back the tar & least until I do something really offensive. I promise to try to play nice. I'm probably making myself sound worse than I am. I'm not an ogre after all. I'm a rooster.
Just one more freak in the freak kingdom.
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