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Old 06-02-2015, 04:01 AM   #263 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
Looking good, Vegangelica

Sure. Off the top of my head, something like this :
  1. Bolster the mod team with more moderators
    • Ask ex-mods to come back
    • Consider members for modship
  2. Mods revise the rules in cooperation with admins (Yac)
    • Update rules announcement
  3. Mods revise the suggested system and make a finalized version
    • Penalties can be revised to fit the current infractions system OR
    • Infractions preset values can be modified to fit suggestion
  4. Write up guide with examples in mods forum to help mods moderate according to new system
  5. Inform the rest of the community in a dedicated thread
    • Set a startup date
    • Possibly give weekly updates on how the new system is working, perhaps with some stats
  6. On startup date and thereafter, moderate post-startup-date-posts according to new system
These look like the same implementation suggestions you've already made in this thread, and again, they're unrealistic. That's why I was asking you to provide realistic ones. The level of moderation and the amount if documentation you're proposing is an enormous amount of work for the mod team, more than we are capable of doing. Suggesting that we simply add ex-mods to the team doesn't make a whole lot of sense since they are by definition people who have actively decided that they don't want to be mods. Recruiting the large numbers of people needed from regular members is equally unrealistic because, based on the last time we needed a new mod, not nearly enough people are interested. Add to that the fact that most of the active members here don't seem to be behind your proposal and the pickings become very slim. You also assume that the owners of the site are likewise interested in throwing their time and energy behind this, which is very unlikely. As a former mod, you should be very well aware that owners historically have little interest in changes to the site.
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