Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
Is a trial run of one-two months feasible? Is that something this site is capable of testing out?
As I wrote earlier, I'd take whatever I could get and would be happy to help out.
I do see some pretty big challenges with testing, of course. I expect the transition period into the system to be the most difficult and no doubt we have members who would go out of their way to sabotage it. So I expect hypothetically if it was tested for a month and then ended up being permanently implemented, that initial testing month would have been the most difficult by far.
The longer the testing period, the better. When people have accepted it and don't work actively to oppose it, I believe that's when you really see the benefits.
edit :
Originally Posted by Trollheart
You're probably not serious about the last part, but you know Roxy speaks to her, so she does actually exist. Also, she pushed Urban to give me a warning, so unless he has really bad schizophrenia, they ain't one and the same.
Back on topic please?