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Old 06-01-2015, 11:15 AM   #221 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I've seen her use that phrase before and I too have no idea what it means.
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
I assume it means...saying her name?
So why not just say that? And what's so bad about naming people? If I do something and someone says Trollheart did this, I don't go into a meltdown over it. It's not like we're voting in secret ballots, or maintaining secret identities is it?
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
So are you asking me to talk to Jen? or volunteering me.
Nah not really. I wouldn't ask that. I just meant in post, maybe quote my question and ask it yourself, see if she replied. I don't really care all that much: I'm just mildly interested to see if she's Ignoring me with a capital I, ignoring me without a capital I, or just not bothering to reply as she thinks I'll bully her or be racist about her, which is apparently the kind of person I am. Who knew?
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
I do not understand her reasons for wanting a new mod team, although I know what they are and why she sorta feels like she does. But I do not agree with her. She feels like she has been treated unfairly by a couple moderators, and she feels like it's a wee bit cliquish.

I have talked her a couple times. I mean man I dunno what to tell you guys, other then that's her opinion and she is entitled to have it. It's not gospel, or fact but it's her perception of the situation, and again she is entitled to have that.
I've no problem with her having that opinion, but she shouldn't advance it as if it's consensus, which it isn't. It's like me saying "Everyone says the word orange after every sixth word: check". And people would justifiably say, where did that come from? We weren't even discussing that! Orange!

I guess it's just another way of trying to shoehorn or force her own ideas on us, which is why I say if there is any bully here, it's her.
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