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Old 05-31-2015, 07:38 PM   #193 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Soulflower View Post
Bring in new moderators--- check

Enforce the rules---- check

And that will break up the cliques, favoritism and the bully driven mentality of this board

I still would like to know why Sansa was banned because the reasons I have been given don't make any sense.

There are members who have said and done far worse but they are oddly still here.
You seem to be the only one here advocating new mods. I think the vast majority of us (ie everyone else) thinks they are all fine and nobody wants them to be replaced.

Also, you do love the term "bully" don't you? But you seem to be blissfully unaware that this is the exact behaviour you are carrying on here.
Originally Posted by Soulflower View Post
But the problem I have with some of the moderators is that there not fair. And a lot of times they give infractions to people that they don't like instead of objectively and maturely moderating the forums.

Also, I notice that there are moderators that are very disrespectful to members: call them out their name and are quite cruel here but they are oddly still moderators.

That's a problem.

I don't see how a member can be a moderator when they are disrespectful to other members themselves. Thats not a good role model for how a moderator should conduct themselves.
Again, what does the bolded part mean? Anyone? "Call them out their name"???? I asked this before but you ignored me. If you're using it as supposed justification for something you should explain what you mean. Or am I just thick? Does everyone else know what she's talking about? And if so, can someone let me know because it makes no sense to me....?
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