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Old 05-31-2015, 01:45 PM   #162 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Yeah, I would definitely echo the lovely Roxy's sentiments. You guys do not get enough credit. It is a job that takes up a lot of your time and half of what you do we don't see, but if it wasn't done we'd be swamped in spam like my inbox. So while I very much respect Mojo and don't mod so I can't comment on the internal workings of the ModCave, I would say that each of you have your own approach to fixing problems here, they all work and I can't quite honestly think of one single mod here who I had a problem with. Even memberwise, it's a very very short list.

Oh, and bring back Right-Track!

Seriously, Jansz, don't get disheartened. Your work and your tireless efforts to maintain some sort of order here without making it into a police state are definitely appreciated.
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