Music Banter - View Single Post - What got you into avant-garde and experimental music?
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Old 05-30-2015, 08:26 PM   #94 (permalink)
Music Addict
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I think someone threw a melt Banana album at me, which lead to Hella's "Hold Your Horse Is" which lead to Lightning Bolt and Black Pus which lead to various noise acts which lead to Swans which lead to GY!BE and Sunn O))) . GY!BE lead to Slint/various acts from the French Canadian scene and Sunn lead to drone acts like Eliane Randigue. Hella, again, lead me to Death Grips, Bygones, Zach Hill's solo stuff etc. Meanwhile, I got into BBNG and The Bad Plus, which lead me to Miles Davis and John Coltrane, which lead to some more crazy stuff like Ornette Coleman and Peter Brotzman. It also lead me to Frank Zappa. A combination of Frank Zappa and Jack White's covers lead me to Captain Beefheart. Jazz music prompted me to try classical, where I found Beethoven, Mozart etc. until I picked up on atonal artists like Berg and Schonenberg, which lead me to John Cage. Anthony Fantano turned me onto Zs and White Suns. Frownland lead me to John Zorn and Zu. Music banter got me into Wolves in Sheepskin, Jesus the Carpenter, Machine Plus and Trouble Salad. At the same time, I was getting into Jim Jarmusch's films, which got me into No Wave Cinema, which got me into No New Wave, which got me into all of the acts on that compilation plus more.

EDIT: Somewhere, I got into Aphex Twin, which got me into Autechre and Tim Hecker, which got me into lots of other experimental electronic stuff.

That's not a complete story, but there you go.
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