Music Banter - View Single Post - Suggested feature - tag users in posts
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Old 05-29-2015, 05:59 AM   #1 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Default Suggested feature - tag users in posts

Hey guys and gals!

I noticed that someone has made a mod for vbulletin which allows for twitter/facebook style tagging of users in a post. For example, let's say I mention Janszoon in a post and I want him to notice. I could just add @ in front of his name (@Janszoon) and then Jans will get a notification that he's been mentioned in my post when he checks out his User CP .. or something along those lines.

[DBTech] Advanced User Tagging v3 (vB4) - Forum

People probably know and enjoy this functionality from twitter, facebook and other social sites which have already had such functionality for years and I also think it would be a great addition to MB.

To those who want to point out that actual implementation of my suggestion has about a snowball's chance in hell, I'd like to thank you in advance for your knowledge and tell you I too know all about that (so feel free not to point it out), but as they say : nothing ventured, nothing gained.
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