Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
I posted this in the midst of the shitstorm and it got ignored. Thoughts?
I feel like I got those (and more) covered already
Originally Posted by Oriphiel
I wouldn't call this thread a shitstorm at all. Maybe i'm bad at gauging tore's feeling, but I was under the impression that neither of us was angry or offended. Tore, if I've overstepped my bounds, feel free to let me know. I have a habit of not knowing when i'm being too pushy.
No worries. I don't really get emotional over discussions on forums.
Originally Posted by Exo_
Things have been tense lately, but I really don't feel the need to introduce a whole new system because everybody has sticks up their asses lately.
I don't think so either. As I've mentioned before, my suggestion is now several years old. After I was modded, I saw there was no real consistent method to moderating rule breaking other than deleting spam. Then I saw this great system in place which we were not using, a system which seemed capable of fixing this problem (and others) if only we were prepared to work and actually use it.
You seem to be missing a lot of the thinking which has gone into this whole thing, and not just by me. I mean, the guys who designed the infractions system apparently had something similar in mind which is why they made it the way it is. Their idea was pretty good. All we need to do is use it.