Originally Posted by Oriphiel
I'll respond to you, but honestly I'd rather hear how you feel about the compromise I suggested (that if the users and mods agreed to your proposal, we could start it off by enacting the harsher enforcement only in The Lounge, moving it to the music forums only if necessary).
Well, it's not optimal, but sure. I'd take whatever I could get.
Originally Posted by Oriphiel
My point was that there have always been fights, and there always will be, as it's human nature.
Not a very good argument. There are more civil forums than this so it is obviously a possibility. Yes, disagreements will occur, perhaps even hostilities, but overall people can be better behaved. If a little force needs to be applied to achieve that, then a little force should be applied.
Compared to MB, various other boards achieve this and they generally do so by better and more consistent modding practices. We can too.
Originally Posted by Oriphiel
I was also pointing out that MB has gone through times much more hostile and strange than what it's going through now, and Boo Boo was just one example.
Also not a very good argument in my opinion. Why should we preserve errors of the past?
Originally Posted by Oriphiel
I don't think your proposal would have changed what happened. Boo Boo was a mod who couldn't take it when people disagreed with him, and the people that he banned weren't even saying anything that would have gone against your proposed regulations.
No, the people who fired him up did so rather sneakily with careful manipulation. He probably saw it, but couldn't resist taking the bait. Again, it wasn't one single event. Boo Boo was tempbanned before his final blowout got him permbanned. His modship was discussed in the mod cave, etc. But I think with my suggested system with infractions, Boo Boo would have been more consistently moderated (would've been tempbanned more often for shorter periods) and so would the people who were winding him up, at least when they made the odd slip up.
Of course I can't say for sure it would have prevented it, but I think it could have. The same goes for similar situations.