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Old 05-28-2015, 09:15 AM   #63 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
If you think you're the reason Urban left you have a gigantic ego. No one knows what happened with him, and if they do, they haven't confirmed it one way or another. You might have been the straw which really doesn't say much.
Yes, Urban leaving has probably been years in the making. I don't have anymore time today for a long response, so I'll wait, but I'll reply briefly.

Oriphiel, you see no problems where I see plenty. For example, you write that :

Originally Posted by Oriphiel
By your logic, since this has been going on for awhile and the "great members" have apparently been leaving, then shouldn't the forum be more volatile than ever?
Well, wasn't it a volatile situation that just became the last straw for Urban? You mention how Trollheart is rewarded for his efforts. Isn't he also one of the most mocked members here? (I'm sorry TH, I wish it wasn't so, but that's how it seems to me.)

You suggest I find another forum. Earlier, I left MB because I didn't like the environment here and yes, I discuss music in other places on the internet. Recently, I thought I'd give MB another chance and see what things are like here. It's not much better than it was and so I'm doing another stab at trying to change things. If I can't and the current climate persists or worsens, I will choose to discuss music elsewhere, as will others. This is like a playground full of very loud kids. If you can stand loud kids, you can be here. If you are a loud kid, you will thrive. If you don't like loud kids, you will eventually get tired and will want to leave.
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