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Old 05-28-2015, 09:01 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
If you think your the reason Urban left you have a gigantic ego. No one knows what happened with him, and if they do they haven't confirmed it one way or another. You might have been the straw which really doesn't say much.
How do you know, if he never gave a reason? If he wanted to say that MB was going to hell, he'd have just said it. He wasn't a shy guy. You can't blame any of us for trying to understand it, and coming to conclusions.

Anyway, I told everyone to decide for themselves, and that's exactly what they did. The fact that everyone blamed me for it says as much about them as it does about me. The reason why I keep saying "I'm probably the reason why Urban left" is because that is the consensus, and because our issues and contact when he left involved more than just the Confessional Thread. I have a good reason to believe it, and everyone else does. It's not like I want everyone to think i'm Oriphiel: Slayer of Urbans. I stayed out of his goodbye thread specifically to keep that kind of thing from happening.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
You do not know this man at all. Like at all. I'd appreciate it if you refrain from judging him.
We were as much friends as we were enemies. It really bothered me when he left. I've tried very hard to keep this from becoming an issue, so please don't judge me without knowing my relationship with him. I'm sorry for putting words into your mouth, for what it's worth.
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