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Old 05-28-2015, 08:07 AM   #48 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
It seems that we both just have different ideas of what a healthy forum should be. I personally think that we control ourselves well enough that we don't need these new enforcement measures. I can understand your point of view, thinking that a code of law set in stone would benefit everyone, even if I think that such a code is much more soulless than the fluid set that has gotten Music Banter this far. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, and let others decide for themselves how they feel about it.
I'll be honest and admit that Urban's leaving is one of the reasons why I've brought this up - again. I think it's always relevant, but it was yet another reminder as to why. Those who have been here a while have seen many great members disappear. It is my belief that many of those great members probably left because they didn't like the environment here, the late Urban included.

Sooner or later, people get fed up with it. Those who don't are the ones who thrive on it.

Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
Cracking down on all of Music Banter for the petty things that occasionally go down in The Lounge is less like raiding a thieves den, and more like putting an entire city under martial law just because one neighborhood has a mild crime problem.
No it's not. Rule enforcement happens in a non-disruptive manner - in infractions and PMs stating why. If someone is punished for something they did in a discussion you're in, it's not a given you'd ever notice.

Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
I don't have to disagree; Music Banter does it for me. Just look at all of the current threads. Even though we just went through one of the most tense moments in recent history, with Urban leaving after I pushed him too far, things are already back to normal. The members here would have had every right to bash me in every thread, yet almost all of the fighting was confined to just one. And even then, most members either ignored the thread completely, or went in purely to calm things down.
So nice that Urban not being here is something you consider "normal". Sorry for the cheap shot, but Musicbanter is like a tower of bricks and every time someone like Urban leaves, that's like removing a big one from the foundations. If something erodes piece by piece, it might not look different one day to the next. But if you go away for a year or two and come back, the difference may be apparent.

Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
We've proven that even when really bad things happen, we don't let it go too far.
In my opinion, if a fight between two members has broken out on the boards and they're breaking rules, things have already gone too far. The rules are supposed to prevent this and what use are they if they can't?

What is too far in your opinion? I guess Urban leaving is not too far?

A sad thing about the current environment is that it pulls you down with it, even when you loathe it. I've gotten into fight (or fights?) with Sansa .. I think you end up being part of the problem even when you don't want to.
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