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Old 05-28-2015, 06:18 AM   #21 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
One of the main appeals of Music Banter is it's "culture". There are plenty of music forums out there that are strictly moderated, if that's what people want. And to be fair, Music Banter usually isn't that bad; watch how quickly personal attacks and spam get deleted out of the main music forums.
I like the people here, but I don't much appreciate some of the apsects of the culture. I definitely think it can improve.

Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
Like I said before, a bit of drama every now and then is a trade off for the leniency that we're all usually pretty responsible about, even if a few people abuse it. I know that I and a few other posters haven't always shown that responsibility, but we're just a small handful out of the massive number of members this forum has, and punishing everyone for the mistakes of the few might just make everyone needlessly angry.
Because of the way forums work, drama between two or a few users can pretty much overshadow most else that goes on. It is extremely visible and so is bad culture in general.

By the way, how is punishing someone who flames or trolls the same as punishing everyone?
Something Completely Different
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