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Old 05-28-2015, 05:32 AM   #10 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
It's been a while since I was mod, but I think the current infractions system that comes with the board supports my suggested implementation.
It doesn't, that's why I said it would need to be changed. There currently is a system, but the rules listed and their corresponding points don't line up to your proposal.

Originally Posted by tore View Post
Successful implementation would change the MB environment into one which punishes rule breaking behaviour.

Initially, this would indeed cause a lot of aggravation because the current culture is one in which rule breaking is common. There would be a lot of infractions being handed out. Possibly, groups of members would try to sabotage the initiative. But - over time, people would either adjust, leave or get permbanned and the boards we're left with after that minor cataclysm would be a friendlier and more civilized place. I'm hoping some old members would return and I think the board will also appeal more to potential future members who like forums to be civilized.

So, it would cause temporary drama followed by permanent bliss.
How would it achieve the goal you are describing? To me, handing out infractions over things like short posts would just create animosity and stifle conversation. It also serves to pretty much eliminate context on terms of rule enforcement, which I think is a bad idea. A brand new poster who only makes ten one word posts in their first week here is not the same as longtime, active member of the site who happens to make ten one word posts one week.
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