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Old 05-28-2015, 04:59 AM   #6 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post

Ok. I was really just wondering where this came from. So are you gonna put this to a vote?

I thought about it and decided not to. If I put up a poll, it's gonna be the first thing people see when they come to the first page. Most members don't really understand the infractions system and why it is practical and so there won't be an "educated" opinion behind their vote. One of the important reasons for this is that some of these benefits will apply to moderators and not members.

I can describe it briefly with an example in this post, though.

Examples of infractions in action

A moderator can hand a user X amount of temporary or permanent infractions. Generally they will be temporary. Let's say you have two mods and one user. Moderator A, moderator B and User DERP.

Example 1 : Mod A sees user DERP break a 5-point rule. Mod A gives a 5 point infraction which expires in a week. When Mod A does so, a report thread is made in the mods forum so that all other mods can see that this user was infracted. The infraction also goes on that users permanent record for all mods to see. This is very useful. Now, three days later, DERP breaks the same rule again and is infracted with another 5 point infraction by Mod B. This will cause DERP to have 10 infractions for the next 4 days, until the first 5 infractions "wear off". So, user DERP will be automatically tempbanned for 4 days and all this moderation will be recorded and visible to other mods in the future.

Example 2 : User DERP is so disruptive, a moderator chooses to make a 5 infractions penalty permanent. Now, DERP always has 5 infractions and thus has less leeway than other users who can behave nicely and end up back at 0 infractions.
Something Completely Different

Last edited by Guybrush; 05-28-2015 at 05:18 AM.
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