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Old 05-16-2015, 01:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
Charles Bean
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 1
Default Help


I was hoping that someone could give me some help about a folk band from England (I think).

I bought a live recording of a band called The Topce at a record fair a few years back. I heard them name checked on a radio station and thought they sounded interesting.

The live recording is great – but I’d like to find out more.

I am not that great on computers so there’s probably loads of stuff out there but my son sent a link to a UTube of theirs on the World Wide Web.

It's on utubes but I'm banned from giving you the link on here. But, I'm sure the PC literate folk on here will know how to find it - search for The Topce record and you'll see it. It;s just the songs off an EP, not what I've got.

So please if you have any info about them I’d love to hear - what theyn did, what they recorded etc, if you saw them play?

And thanks for listening to me.

If the owners are unhappy about this please delete my email immediately. I’d hate to cause any problems for anyone and I am asking elsewhere too so no problem
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