Yeah, Thailand is just the latest. We've had reports of boats capsizing, crews deserting, people dying all over the seas of Europe, and now Thailand too. I;'m afraid to say that the person who opined that the people I overheard are a dying breed is ill-informed. Most of us Irish are like that, probably like the English after so many immigrants have come over here and "stolen our women and our jobs" (never mind that half us Irish are too ****ing lazy to even try out for these jobs, would prefer living on the dole! How dare these foreigners work? And of course if they go on welfare, well...)
I said it already, and I'll repeat it. Despite our happy-go-lucky image we in Ireland are some of the most racist bastards going. I know that what I heard is indicative of the majority. If there were to be a referendum tomorrow asking if we should help, I'll bet anything it would be defeated.