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Old 05-15-2015, 02:15 AM   #5 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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People who are against gay marriage are stupid or misguided or putting their noses where it shouldn't be, in my opinion.

The argument that it is unfair on children is stupid for various reasons. For one, a gay couple would generally have children after deciding that they want to have children. These children are generally wanted and I think that's a pretty good starting point in life - or a good place to end up if you're adopted. Two, I'm from a relatively gay friendly nation and I never got the impression that people who grew up with two dads or two moms are any worse off than others. The only real impression I have that sets them aside is that they seem to be a little more tolerant than the average guy.

I would like the freedom and opportunity to marry the person I love, whether that's a woman or a man. That this privilege should be enjoyed by some and not by others based on whether you like men or women seems ridiculous to me.

So I'd say stop the oppression of gay people and grant them equal rights. It can only benefit society.
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