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Old 05-14-2015, 08:28 PM   #15171 (permalink)
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Mad Max: Fury Road

For the first time since The Dark Night, I have dragged myself out to a theater to see a big name film on opening night. I just don't do it. I like to get to the theater on dead nights and a week or two after the film has come out. It's just quieter. For some reason I really wanted to see this film as soon as I could due to all the rave reviews I've been seeing so far. Rave reviews for an R rated reboot/sequel of a franchise that hasn't had a film in over 20 years? Yeah, I had to see it. I'm glad I did. It ended up being a f*cking blast.

I haven't seen a Mad Max film since high school. I think a bunch of us sat down and just put them on one after the other and got drunk. That being said, I'm not a huge fan of the universe. The movies were great. Don't get me wrong. I just wasn't part of the culture of Mad Max. I was always a Water World type of person.

That's a joke.

George Miller's return to non-dancing/talking animals is pretty special. I don't think I've seen a resurrection like this in a long ass time. The film was kick f*cking ass. I can't really call myself a huge action film person. I love story and character development and most of them are missing those two elements. A good handful of films have been able to not only include those two qualities, but also deliver some breathtaking set pieces to go along with it. I'm a fan of the last two Planet of the Apes films. The Batman trilogy was solid. The original Die Hard is one of my favorite films. Besides Batman, I like my action films without superheroes. It's no surprise that I ended up liking this film so much. As completely batsh*t insane this movie was, I didn't really get a sense that none of it could ever happen. The action was somewhat realistic, if we were to ever get as savage as these people that is.

To be honest, I didn't really understand what the hell was going on for the first ten minutes or so of the film. It was a little jarring to just be shoved into this world of huge lady breast feeding, white zombie looking fellas, and roving marauders with no fear of death. Thankfully this wasn't a huge deal. I quickly learned that I didn't need to know anything about this world that they were in. The planet is sh*t and most people are sh*t. Here's a truck with Charlize Theron in it. Go! I was on board.

Speaking of Charlize Theron, this is her movie. I know it is called Mad Max. I know that Tom Hardy was very good in the lead role, but I was way more drawn to Theron as Furiosa. She's the one that started this whole movie into overdrive. Hell, without her, Max would still be a hood ornament. The fact that was kicked just as much ass as Max while only having one arm was also a major draw in. I wouldn't mind seeing a movie that completely focused on her. Theron was that good.

The action was pretty phenomenal. There were some quiet scenes that pushed the story forward a little bit but for the most part the audience is treated to balls to the f*cking floor action. Like a nine year old's Legos box, the vehicles that came from left to right over the course of the movie ranged from terrifying to hilarious. You had spiked cruisers, sand bikes, teeter totter trucks, and my favorite of all, the sound trailer. I wonder how my man got the job on the guitar? Dude has it made. Actually, Miller was able to not only show us an insane character like the guitar marauder, but his inclusion actually helped make the score more intense. I was on the edge of my seat during these car chases.

If you want to have more films like this in theaters, then go see this movie. Huge budget rated R films don't happen a thousand times a year. Go and see this film to show that there is an audience for these kind of movies. Go see the film because it's looney-bin crazy too. That's also a reason to go.



Last edited by Exo; 05-17-2015 at 02:56 PM.
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