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Old 12-19-2005, 01:22 PM   #135 (permalink)
butt say x
mosesandtherubberducky's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: so i read the question as "Where YOU live" which was kinda funny instead of "Where you live"
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I've only heard that on the radio. I did watch the Almost Accoustic Christmas on Kroq and they came on after Thrice (which wasn't too good). It was rather funny the bassist-if that is what you call someone that sucks as much as him- came up and said "this next song is about making out and we hope that everyone of you gets to do that tonight". I was talking to my friend and I said "The only reason they said that is because that is as far as they have gone. And you don't hear RHCP singing about making out."
Can I have a youtube video for a sig? There's a thing that says "Wrap [YOUTUBE] tags around selected text"
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