Originally Posted by bob.
for me this is hands down the best film of this year.
Couldn't agree more. I still can't get it out of my mind. Great film.
Originally Posted by Yac

Hooly shieeet.
If kill bill, James Bond and let's say Green Street Hooligans (or any British movie showing the "lower"class") movies got together and had a freak baby, this movie would be that baby.
I wasn't expecting this movie to be this good - I enoyed the full 2 hours of it and just wanted more. Call me ignorant but this just put Matthew Vaughn as a director on my radar..
Anyway, I don't think I could summarize the plot without spoiling anything so I'll use the short summary from IMDB:
A spy organization recruits an unrefined, but promising street kid into the agency's ultra-competitive training program, just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.
And don't get me wrong, this movie is .. silly. Extremely over the top at times. Completely ridiculous. And extremely, extremely funny and entertaining.
Word of warning though: this is not a Hollywood Blockbuster that goes to great lengths to make the movie available to the widest possible range of audiences, for example by limiting violence. Oh no. This is a British "head on a spike" type of movie that pulls no punches, so feel warned.
The church scene is one of the coolest action scenes ever.