Originally Posted by Exo_
THX-1138. It's George Lucas's first film.
Left that one off the list by mistake.
Originally Posted by Exo_
THX-1138. It's George Lucas's first film
Solyaris. Tarkovsky film that will f*ck your mind. There was a remake a couple years ago with the Clooney.
Westworld. Disneyland if Disneyland had killer robots.
The Fantastic Planet. Batsh*t crazy french animated film.
A Boy and his Dog. Don Johnson lives in a post apocalyptic world with his talking dog.
That should do yah good.
Westworld looks really interesting, and it was directed by Michael Crichton.
I've tried on multiple occasions to watch
Solyaris but I always end up falling asleep, not due to boredom mind, I just kind of drift off. I think it's one of those movies I need to watch with someone, and my old movie buddy moved away a few years ago.
The other two look pretty interesting, with
A Boy and His Dog being the more interesting of the two, but I'll definitely try to hunt down a copy of each.