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Old 05-05-2015, 05:30 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
Somehow I only just found out about Plex. Basically it's a free program that allows you to stream your own files through other devices that have the app, or just watch/listen them through plex instead of browsing your folders.

That's nice on it's own, but what makes it special is that you can join a server for about a fiver a month which allows you to stream pretty much everything there is in regards to movies and tv shows. And constantly updates when new episodes are out. This server is available to stream through your phone or PC etc.

GOPLEX.TV | Media made easy

This is the real deal.

If you do sign up to the latter, please use "ClancyAFC" as your referral.
Yeah but it is USA only? don't like the misspelling of internet(t) and proc(c)essing. Who are these guys? I like the idea but will I join and find sorry, not available in your area, like with Netflix here, and I need a workaround? Also, why is it better, or is it, than Netflix, with whom I currently have a sub?
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