Music Banter - View Single Post - Ireland goes to the polls for a referendum: same sex marriage
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Old 05-05-2015, 03:38 PM   #3 (permalink)
Black Francis
Out of Place
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Over here the same sex marriage discussion is not even being considered but if it was i would vote 'Yes' on it.

What bugs me about this issue is that the main reason ppl oppose it is because of procreation. apparently sex is only alright if you can procreate and has the noble end goal of having a kid.

To me that sh*t is stupid.
Thinking that sex and marriage is only a holy privilege for straight ppl is ridiculous because in reality you can marry a midget on Tv just for ratings but even if marriage has become a joke it's still too sacred for gay ppl.

We say we have accepted homosexuals yet when it comes to marriage and adoption we always hesitate to trust them, we simply cannot wash years of homophobia off our hands that easily.
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