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Old 05-05-2015, 01:52 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Ireland goes to the polls for a referendum: same sex marriage

I'm going to go out on a limb here (I like climbing trees!) and assume most of you agree with same sex marriage. Here we're about to vote in about three weeks' time on a referendum to change the constitution to allow gay couples to get married. At the moment, there's an overwhelming Yes vote going on, and it looks like it will pass easily but you never know. All political parties support a Yes vote. The only ones against it are .... anyone.... ?

The Catholic Church.
And the Pro-Life Groups.

Their main, indeed only point of contention is that it's unfair on children not to have a mother and a father. But not all couples who marry (of any/either/all sexes) necessarily wish to have children, of course. So take that out of the equation and what is there left for the "No" camp to complain about? The Church whines on about the Bible, marriage being between a man and a woman etc, but how can this be used as justification for refusing the same rights to gay and lesbian couples as we all enjoy or can avail of?

I know this has happened in various states, so my question is really I guess, how do you feel about this, and if it's happened in your state, are you glad, annoyed, indifferent, what? Any Irish people feel free to lend your opinion.
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