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Old 05-02-2015, 02:50 PM   #42 (permalink)
RL Clown
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Originally Posted by Thom Yorke View Post
Anything philosophy can go here.
Some important points:

1. Why do some people ALWAYS complain about politics? If there is a conservative government, they will complain about the party. But if there's a liberal party, they will complain about the government as well. Why don't these people put themselves in the shoes of the government? What? They think that it's easy to run a country?? Why don't these people try it themselves?? Maybe these people want anarchy... Maybe they don't want a government at all. But human beings cannot survive under anarchy because anarchy is pure capitalism. Only the strongest will live under a pure capitalist system.

2. If you compare 2015 to the 1700's, human beings have undergone a dramatic transformation... Human beings are becoming more and more specialized. Back in the days, people knew how to ride a horse, design a boat, make a painting, play the guitar, perform many long calculations, and cure themselves when they had a throat infection. But today, human beings are so specialized that they can only perform a few operations. For example, David might know a lot about Chemistry, but can he clean his garage? No. Can he drive a motorcycle? No. If he got lost in the woods, I wonder how he would survive... Are human beings becoming smarter or are human beings becoming less capable? Are human beings becoming more intelligent or are they becoming less responsible? I don't mean to sound so pessimistic; I'm just saying... I admit that I'm not very skilled either... There are many things that I can't do...

3. I fear that, one day, technology is going to rule the universe... One day, machines and robots are going to turn against human beings (they will start a revolution to overthrow the human beings.) They will become sick and tired of being controlled by people, so they will try to destroy the human race. You might laugh at me; you might think that I've been watching too many Sci Fi movies (like The Terminator). But chances are, I might actually be on to something... Look at the logic... If you take a small number such as 1 and you keep on multiplying it by 2, obviously, you will end up with a very big number. The same thing is happening to technology. Human beings keep on improving technology; now some cars actually drive themselves! One day technology will become so powerful that human beings will not be able to control them! We must slow down the development of technology. I cannot stress this enough... I do not mean to sound extremely negative. Of course, there ARE some GOOD points about technology. I think that some people use iPads to help them with mathematics. There's nothing wrong with that. But still, we need to slow down the growth of machines. If we don't, the human race is doomed.
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