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Old 04-29-2015, 11:16 PM   #110 (permalink)
Dude... What?
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Originally Posted by Soulflower View Post
However, lately I have been quite annoyed at the passiveness and disrespect that some people have for minorities who really care about the current racial problems concerning black people. Now I understand everyone doesn't care and won't be on the same page but I personally get irritated when some try to past off these issues as nothing or as things that don't matter.

I have always found that to be strange. I know some people don't like to discuss minority issues on this board and that is okay. No one is not making you reply in this thread please don't derail it with foolishness.
Originally Posted by Ki View Post
Boo hoo, **** happens. The world isn't perfect.
The thread was started to ask why people like you respond the way you do to these issues on this forum and that was your first response. Followed by an insensitive joke and comparing white deaths at the hands of police to black deaths at the hand of police. It's a very specific discussion to which you've contributed nothing to. If anything you've just provided evidence for SF's argument in this paragraph:

Originally Posted by Soulflower View Post
I agree. I think the people who are not targets of police brutality have a hard time identifying with the issue and don't see it as a problem. Also, imo when it comes to racial minority issues, white people tend to not want to admit when their race is at fault and are oblvious to the whole institutionalized systematic racism that plagues minorities today. The law enfrocement/police is all apart of that. I think a part of the reason why they are oblivious is because they don't experience racism on the same level as minorities. They dont have to worry about being racially profiled or being held back from their raise because of the color of their skin because they are born with white privilege.
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