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Old 04-29-2015, 08:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 5
Default What type of music is this?

Hey, so i listen to a lot of music but its basically hiphop only so i dont really know much about the other types. There are several songs that have a guitar being played in the back and ive found it really fun to listen to but i dont know if that type of guitar playing has its own "genre" and if so, could anyone tell me what it is.
2 examples would be : (sorry i would post the youtube url links but im new to the forum and it wont allow me D: )
The Other Side - by Slaughterhouse
(the guitar playing throughout the entire song)

Animal in Man - by Dead Prez (Search animal in man in youtube and click the second video, should be a 4 min and 32 second video)
(Skip into 3:00 and thats when the guitar playing starts)
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